Hoping you can “Crush It” and attend Bridge but not sure your boss will agree? We have ideas for you.

By now surely you’ve seen our Persuasion Kit with its ‘Top Five Reasons to Attend” and memo template justifying your trip. In the March 23 Wall Street Journal, “Get the Boss to Say Yes,” Sue Shellenbarger provides five MORE strategies for making a persuasive pitch to attend.


Promise Results: Predict fundraising gains, new contacts, and/or ideas upon your return. Then deliver.

Add to Your Agenda: Add a day for visiting donors, prospects, or others linked to your organization in the DC area. Have multiple goals for a single trip.

Work Your Way Through: Volunteer on-site and meet more people, make more contacts.

Register Early: Act now to get Early Bird pricing on your registration. Demonstrate the cost savings.

Time Your Request: Make your ask early enough to fit it into the budget. (Okay so maybe that’s for next year.)


Don’t miss the last tickets available they are going to go soon!




Lori Woehrle is managing partner at Leapfrog Group, a branding, strategy, and creative firm that works exclusively with nonprofits.