What could you do with $10,000 per month in free advertising? How would it impact your cause? Your marketing budget? Are you looking to increase your potential donor pipeline? There is a resource that you may hear a lot about but have not tried yet!

Google Ad Grants empowers eligible nonprofits with $10,000 per month in free advertising on Google Search results pages. Google’s ads reach large audiences in a relevant, actionable, and measurable way and can help nonprofits educate, attract donors, and help people around the world. Google Ad Grants makes it easy to launch effective campaigns with advertising solutions designed for nonprofits of all shapes and sizes.

Nonprofits who use digital marketing can measure the impact of their efforts and quickly respond to events in the news that raise interest in their causes. Google Analytics offers nonprofits valuable insights about the ways people interact with their sites. Together, these free tools are a powerful combination for nonprofit marketers and fundraisers.

For nonprofits new to digital advertising, Google Ad Grants could help you achieve your goals when campaigns are properly set up for success. If you’re already benefiting from Google Ad Grants, you can take your account to the next level with automation, identify targeted keywords from a variety of sources and gain an understanding of where people are interacting with your ads. Additionally, you can take your standard Google advertising account even further by raising your awareness through image and video ads.

You can learn more about how Google Ad Grants helps nonprofits around the world here. More importantly, join me at the 13th Annual Bridge to Integrated Marketing & Fundraising Conference https://bridgeconf.wpengine.com, where I will be co-presenting a session entitled “Taking Full Advantage Of What Google Has To Offer” on August 1.

Whether you are new to Google Ad Grants or if Ad Grants are currently working great for you, this session will immediately improve your fundraising program by generating a new stream of prospective clients.

About the Author

Chris is a principal on the Google Ad Grants team, helping nonprofits raise awareness and drive donations through the power of Google AdWords. He has worked in the online marketing space for over 7 years as a sales manager at Google helping small businesses use Google to accelerate growth and optimize their digital marketing efforts. He will be speaking at the 13th Annual Bridge to Integrated Marketing & Fundraising Conference, July 31-Aug. 2, 2018 at the Gaylord National Hotel & Conference Center, National Harbor, MD, (adjacent to Washington, DC).

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